At AbbVie, all employees are expected to lead and foster a culture of ethical and compliant behavior. To assist us, AbbVie has an Office of Ethics and Compliance (OEC), which focuses on the development and enhancement of our compliance program. OEC is led by our Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer (CECO), who is a member of our senior management and makes regular reports regarding compliance matters to the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, other senior-level leaders and AbbVie’s Board of Directors and Public Policy and Sustainability Committee. The OEC staff provides dedicated support to AbbVie’s leaders, employees and businesses.
\r\nTo assist in the implementation of the compliance program, AbbVie has a Global Compliance Insights Forum (GCIF) focused on our Global Compliance Program. The GCIF is chaired by the CECO, includes senior-level leaders, and is accountable directly to the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer. Periodic GCIF meetings are held to discuss compliance matters, including adherence to legal and regulatory obligations and commitments, assessment of our compliance program, changes in the legal and regulatory environment, risk areas and best practices, and improvements to the program.
\r\nOutside the United States, our Affiliate Compliance Program is managed by local Affiliate Compliance Committees, which are composed of the General Manager and other top executives within a country. Working with OEC staff, the Affiliate Compliance Committees are responsible for the day-to-day function of the compliance program, including monitoring of compliance, providing awareness of and training for the program, revising policies and procedures and providing guidance to local employees. The committees meet on a regular basis to discuss emerging issues and work with the OEC staff as new compliance and awareness programs are rolled out. Compliance professionals are located throughout the world and provide oversight and guidance to the Affiliate Compliance Committees.\r\n"}}" id="text-496ef52cbf" class="cmp-text">
协助合规计划的实现,AbbVie有全球合规见解论坛(GCIF)专注于我们的全球合规程序。GCIF CECO主持的,包括高层领导人,负责直接向董事会主席和首席执行官。周期性GCIF举行会议讨论合规事务,包括遵守法律和监管义务和承诺,评估我们的合规程序,法律和监管环境的变化,风险区域和最佳实践,改进计划。