Abbvie Inc.(“ Abbvie”)(“收购”)针对Allergan Plc(“ Allergan”)的建议要约,该要约是根据爱尔兰法律(“计划”)的安排计划的。您正在尝试输入本网站的部分,该部分指定为与Abbvie宣布的Allergan宣布的报价有关的文档和信息,于2019年6月25日宣布(“优惠”)。根据某些司法管辖区的证券法,可以限制对网站的此部分的访问。本通知要求您确认某些事项(包括您不在此类管辖区中的居民),然后才能访问信息。该信息不针对任何司法管辖区的人,也不是打算被访问的人,这将构成违反该管辖权的相关法律的行为。如果您不允许查看信息或查看信息会导致上述内容,或者您是否疑问您是否允许您查看信息,请退出此网页。该网站的本节包含与报价有关的公告,文件和信息(共同的“信息”)。该信息可真诚地提供,仅出于信息目的而提供,其可用性应遵守以下规定的条款和条件。该信息不是旨在也不构成或不构成出售或处置或以其他方式处置或以其他方式处置或邀请购买或以其他方式获得任何证券的要约的任何部分,或者征集投票或批准根据信息或其他方式。 ANY PERSON SEEKING ACCESS TO THIS SECTION OF ABBVIE’S WEBSITE REPRESENTS AND WARRANTS TO ABBVIE THAT THEY ARE DOING SO FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. BASIS OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION Please read this notice carefully before clicking "I agree" or "I disagree" below. This notice applies to all persons who view this section of the website and, depending on where you live, it may affect your rights. This notice may be amended or updated by AbbVie from time to time and it should be read carefully in full each time you wish to view the website. In addition, the content of the website, and its accessibility by certain persons, may be amended at any time in whole or in part at the sole discretion of AbbVie. The Information speaks only at the date of the relevant document or announcement and AbbVie has, and accepts, no responsibility or duty to update any Information (other than to the extent such duty arises as a matter of law or regulation).